

An abstract type representing an item response theory model.

Each implementation T <: ItemResponseModel must define the following traits:

Additionally T <: ItemResponseModel must implement the following interface:

  • irf: An item response function returning the probability that a person with given ability estimate will answer an item with a particular response.
  • iif: An item information function returning the information of answering with a particular response on an item given an ability estimate.
  • fit: A function fitting an item response model of type T to observed data.
  • getitemlocations: A function returning the item locations for a given item.
  • getpersonlocations: A function returning the person locations for a given person.



Estimation type

SamplingEstimate <: EstimationType

Defines that the parameters of an ItemResponseModel are estimated by a sampling procedure. Thus, parameters for a model with estimation_type(model) == SamplingEstimate are vectors of real-valued numbers where the length of the parameter vector is equal to the number of samples drawn.


Response type


expected_score(model::ItemResponseModel, theta; scoring_function)::Real
expected_score(model::ItemResponseModel, theta; scoring_function)::AbstractVector{<:Real}
expected_score(model::ItemResponseModel, theta, is; scoring_function)::Real
expected_score(model::ItemResponseModel, theta, is; scoring_function)::AbstractVector{<:Real}

Calculate the expected score of an ItemResponseModel.


  • model: An ItemResponseModel
  • theta: The person parameter value(s)
  • is: One or multiple item identifiers. If is is omitted, the expected score for the whole test is returned.

Keyword arguments

  • scoring_function: A function mapping all possible response values y to arbitrary values. Must default to identity.

Return values

If estimation_type(model) == PointEstimate then expected_score must return a single scalar value.

If estimation_type(model) == SamplingEstimate then expected_score must return a vector of values with the length equal to the number of samples drawn.

fit(::Type{T}, data::AbstractMatrix, args...; kwargs...)::T where {T<:ItemResponseModel}

Fit an item response model to response data.


  • data: Observed data. If data is a response matrix, the columns must describe items and rows describe persons.
  • args...: Additional arguments required to fit the ItemResponseModel

Keyword arguments

Return values

A fitted ItemResponseModel.

getitemlocations(model::ItemResponseModel, i, y)::Real
getitemlocations(model::ItemResponseModel, i, y)::AbstractVector{<:Real}
getitemlocations(model::ItemResponseModel, i, y)::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}

Get the item locations for an item from an ItemResponseModel.


Return values

If item_dimensionality(model) == Univariate and estimation_type(model) == PointEstimate then getitemlocations must return a single scalar value.

If item_dimensionality(model) == Multivariate and estimation_type(model) == PointEstimate then getitemlocations must return a vector of values corresponding to the dimensionality of the item parameters.

If item_dimensionality(model) == Univariate and estimation_type(model) == SamplingEstimate then getitemlocations must return a vector of values with the length equal to the number of samples drawn.

If item_dimensionality(model) == Multivariate and estimation_type(model) == SamplingEstimate then getitemlocations must return a matrix with rows corresponding to the drawn samples and columns corresponding to the dimension of the item parameter.

getpersonlocations(model::ItemResponseModel, p)::Real
getpersonlocations(model::ItemResponseModel, p)::AbstractVector{<:Real}
getpersonlocations(model::ItemResponseModel, p)::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}

Get the person locations for an person from an ItemResponseModel.


Return values

If person_dimensionality(model) == Univariate and estimation_type(model) == PointEstimate then getpersonlocations must return a single scalar value.

If person_dimensionality(model) == Multivariate and estimation_type(model) == PointEstimate then getpersonlocations must return a vector of values corresponding to the dimensionality of the person parameters.

If person_dimensionality(model) == Univariate and estimation_type(model) == SamplingEstimate then getpersonlocations must return a vector of values with the length equal to the number of samples drawn.

If person_dimensionality(model) == Multivariate and estimateion_type(model) == SamplingEstimate then getpersonlocations must return a matrix with rows corresponding to the drawn samples and columns corresponding to the dimension of the person parameter.

iif(model::ItemResponseModel, theta, i, y)::Real
iif(model::ItemResponseModel, theta, i, y)::AbstractVector{<:Real}


  • model: An ItemResponseModel
  • theta: The person parameter value(s)
  • i: A unique item identifier
  • y: Response value(s)

Return values

If estimation_type(model) == PointEstimate then the item information function must return a scalar value.

If estimation_type(model) == SamplingEstimate then the item information function must return a vector of values with the length equal to the number of samples drawn.

information(model::ItemResponseModel, theta; scoring_function)::Real
information(model::ItemResponseModel, theta; scoring_function)::AbstractVector{<:Real}
information(model::ItemResponseModel, theta, is; scoring_function)::Real
information(model::ItemResponseModel, theta, is; scoring_function)::AbstractVector{<:Real}

Calculate the information of an ItemResponseModel.


  • theta: The person parameter value(s)
  • is: One or multiple item identifiers. If is is omitted, the information of the whole test (test information) is returned.

Keyword arguments

  • scoring_function: A function mapping all possible response values y to arbitrary values. Must default to identity.

Return values

If estimatione_type(model) == PointEstimate then information must return a single scalar value.

If estimation_type(model) == SamplingEstimate then information must return a vector of values with the length equal to the number of samples drawn.

irf(model::ItemResponseModel, theta, i, y)::Real
irf(model::ItemResponseModel, theta, i, y)::AbstractVector{<:Real}

Evaluate the item response function of an ItemResponseModel.


  • model: An ItemResponseModel
  • theta: The person parameter value(s)
  • i: A unique item identifier
  • y: Response value(s)

Return values

If estimation_type(model) == PointEstimate then the item response function must return a scalar value.

If estimation_type(model) == SamplingEstimate then the item response function must return a vector of values with the length equal to the number of samples.



Interface tests are provided in the AbstractItemResponseModels.Tests module.

test_interface(T::Type{<:ItemResponseModel}, data, args...; kwargs...)

Test the implementation of an item response model interface.


  • T: The implemented model type
  • data: observed data
  • args...: Additional arguments passed to fit

Keyword arguments

  • kwargs...: Additional keyword arguments passed to fit